University of Surrey

Many mba essay writers continue official cooperation with our site. Among them are:

Professor Ian Kinchin is a professor in the Higher Education at University of Surrey. Before joining the department in September 2012, he was at King’s Learning Institute where he was involved in the professional development of academic staff, whilst undertaking research into university pedagogy. His current research interests are focused on the development of the concept of the ‘expert student’ through the application of concept mapping, as part of an authentic pedagogy for Higher Education. More info at:

Professor Rhona Sharpe has joined University of Surrey in October 2017. Previously she was Head of the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development at Oxford Brookes University and Visiting Professor at Edge Hill University. She has led a number of research projects for Jisc and Higher Education Academy focussing on understanding learners’ experiences of technology. The culmination of these projects was the creation of ELESIG; a special interest group which aims to build capacity in the sector for undertaking and using learner experience research. Rhona has led a number of institution wide change projects including embedding graduate attributes and is co-leading the Learning Analytics project with Ian Scott.


Dr Simon Lygo-Baker, is Head of the Department of Higher Education at the University of Surrey. He has substantial experience of researching, developing and supporting learning and teaching at institutional level. He has significant experience of undertaking collaborative research across a variety of disciplines into innovative teaching approaches to enhance learning. More info at: